Tavis Smiley Season 7 Episode 791
Tavis Smiley
Season 7

Ep 791. Temple Grandin

  • July 5, 2013

In season 7 episode 791 of Tavis Smiley, the renowned TV host and journalist sits down with Temple Grandin, one of the most accomplished and inspiring individuals of our time. Grandin is a best-selling author, autism activist, and animal behavior expert who has revolutionized the livestock industry with her innovative designs for humane handling facilities.

During the interview, Grandin discusses her upbringing and how her autism has both hindered and helped her throughout her life. Despite the challenges she has faced, she has become a leading figure in autism advocacy and has dedicated her life to helping others with the condition.

Smiley explores Grandin's work in animal welfare and how her unique perspective has led to groundbreaking advances in the way we handle and care for livestock. She brings to light the cruel realities of factory farming and highlights the importance of creating better, more humane systems for animal handling and slaughter.

In addition to discussing her advocacy and animal welfare work, Grandin also shares insights into her writing process and inspiration for her books. She talks about overcoming writer's block and finding ways to express herself despite her struggles with social communication.

Throughout the episode, Smiley's thoughtful questions and Grandin's insightful responses offer a window into the complex and fascinating mind of one of the most influential people of our time. The interview is a must-watch for anyone interested in autism advocacy, animal welfare, or the creative process.

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  • First Aired
    July 5, 2013
  • Language