Tavis Smiley Season 8 Episode 202
Tavis Smiley
Season 8

Ep 202. Connie Rice

  • October 28, 2014

Tavis Smiley Season 8 Episode 202 features an interview with Connie Rice, a civil rights lawyer and social justice advocate. Rice is known for her work in the trenches of South Central Los Angeles, where she has fought against gang violence and crime while striving to improve the lives of residents in some of the city's toughest neighborhoods.

During the interview, Tavis and Connie discuss her background and upbringing, including her family's long tradition of civil rights activism. They also touch on her decision to become a lawyer, and the personal motivations that have driven her work over the years.

Throughout the conversation, Rice speaks candidly about the challenges she has faced as a black woman in a predominantly white profession, and the systemic barriers that she has worked to overcome in order to achieve success. She also shares insights into the ways in which race and inequality continue to shape American society, and suggests ways in which advocates and activists can push for change.

In addition to her work in civil rights law and advocacy, Rice is also an author and public speaker. Tavis and Connie discuss her recent book, "Power Concedes Nothing," which examines the history and ongoing struggles of the civil rights movement.

Overall, Tavis Smiley Season 8 Episode 202 offers a compelling and thought-provoking conversation with one of America's most influential civil rights advocates. Through her insights and experiences, Connie Rice offers a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight for social justice in the United States.

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  • First Aired
    October 28, 2014
  • Language