Tavis Smiley Season 9 Episode 184
Tavis Smiley
Season 9

Ep 184. Journalist Rula Jebreal; author David Maraniss

  • November 9, 2015

Journalist Rula Jebreal and author David Maraniss are featured guests on season 9 episode 184 of Tavis Smiley. Rula Jebreal is a journalist, author, and political commentator whose work has been featured in numerous publications and news programs. She is the author of the book "Miral," which was later adapted into a film directed by Julian Schnabel. David Maraniss is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist whose work has appeared in The Washington Post, among other publications. He has written biographies of notable figures such as Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Vince Lombardi.

In this episode, the two guests sit down with Tavis Smiley to discuss their latest work. Rula Jebreal talks about her new book "In Her Hands: What We Can Learn from Women Who Changed the World," which explores the lives and achievements of influential women throughout history. She discusses the challenges that women have faced in achieving equality and the importance of their contributions to the world.

David Maraniss discusses his latest book "A Good American Family: The Red Scare and My Father," which is a memoir about his father's experiences during the McCarthy era. He talks about the impact that the Red Scare had on his family and the larger American society and how it affected their views on democracy and patriotism.

The conversation also touches on broader political and social issues, including the current state of democracy in the United States and around the world, the role of the media in society, and the importance of telling diverse stories. Both guests provide thoughtful insights into these important topics and offer a unique perspective on the world today.

Overall, season 9 episode 184 of Tavis Smiley offers a thought-provoking conversation with two accomplished journalists and authors. Rula Jebreal and David Maraniss bring their extensive experience and knowledge to the table, shedding light on important issues and challenging viewers to think critically about the world around them.

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  • First Aired
    November 9, 2015
  • Language