Tavis Smiley Season 9 Episode 313
Tavis Smiley
Season 9

Ep 313. Stephon Alexander

  • May 26, 2016

Stephon Alexander, a theoretical physicist and saxophonist, joins Tavis Smiley for an intriguing conversation about his life, his interests and his work in physics. They discuss Alexander's upbringing and how his love for music and science intersected as he grew older. Alexander's passion for music and physics grew simultaneously and he was able to excel in both fields. He talks about how music and physics are interconnected as both require an understanding of rhythm, patterns and complex calculations.

The conversation then moves to Alexander's work in theoretical physics and how he has studied the universe's origins and phenomena such as dark energy and dark matter. Alexander shares how he uses music as a source of inspiration and creativity to develop new theories about the universe. He talks about how he uses complex math and physics to help explain the beauty of music and how music can help people better understand complex, scientific concepts.

Throughout the episode, Alexander shares his deep knowledge about both music and physics. He talks about how Einstein's theory of relativity has influenced his work and how it has opened up new avenues for studying the origin of the universe. He also delves into the topic of string theory, the idea that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are tiny, vibrating strings that exist in ten dimensions. Alexander discusses how he has applied this theory to his work and how it could help scientists better understand the behavior of matter and energy.

Along with his work in physics, Alexander is also a highly proficient saxophonist. He shares some of his musical influences and talks about how he incorporates his knowledge of physics into his music. He explains how he uses different rhythms, notes and scales to create a unique sound that captures the audience's attention. He also explains how improvisation plays a significant role in jazz music and how it has similarities to the way scientists think and theorize.

The conversation then turns to Alexander's thoughts on the role of music and science in society. He believes that both fields could help people better understand themselves and the world around them. Alexander argues that music and art can help people connect with each other and experience the beauty of life, while science gives us a greater understanding of the universe and our place in it. He goes on to argue that, rather than being opposites, music and science are actually complementary and can work together to help people better understand the world.

In the final moments of the episode, Tavis Smiley thanks Stephon Alexander for joining him and for sharing his insights into music and science. Alexander says that he hopes his work will inspire others to embrace their own passions and interests, whether it be in music, science or anything else. The conversation ends on a hopeful note, with the message that everyone has the potential to use their talents to make the world a better place and that we should all strive to pursue our passions with enthusiasm and dedication.

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  • First Aired
    May 26, 2016
  • Language