The Invisible Man Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. The Invisible Man - Pilot

  • TV-Y7
  • July 5, 2006
  • 24 min

The Invisible Man is a science fiction thriller television series from the year 2000 which revolves around a scientist named Darien Fawkes who accidentally becomes invisible after a failed experiment. In season 1 episode 1 named "The Invisible Man - Pilot," we are introduced to the central character Darien who used to work as a cat burglar before being recruited by The Agency - a government-funded organization that wants to use Darien's invisibility for their benefit.

The episode begins by showing us a flashback where we see how Darien's brother Kevin Fawkes who was also a scientist died in an explosion during an experiment that they worked on together. Even though Darien survived the blast, he has been feeling guilty about Kevin's death and also blames himself for it. Darien is now living a reckless life and is addicted to gambling and drugs.

The Agency approaches Darien with an offer - they will cure his addiction and give him a new life in exchange for his services. Darien agrees to their proposal and undergoes an operation to become invisible. The procedure is excruciatingly painful, and Darien suffers a lot during the operation. After the procedure, Darien is given a special suit called the quantumbro which allows him to control his invisibility.

Darien is then briefed on his first mission - to retrieve an advanced computer chip from a terrorist group called "Chrysalis" who plans to sell the chip to the highest bidder. Darien is taken to the Chrysalis headquarters by his partner, Agent Bobby Hobbes, who is a tough and experienced agent. Hobbes does not like Darien, and their initial interactions are quite hostile.

Darien uses his invisibility to infiltrate the Chrysalis headquarters and steals the computer chip. However, he is discovered by the Chrysalis members, and a fight ensues. Darien is badly injured but manages to escape with the chip. Back at The Agency, Darien delivers the chip, but it is revealed that it was a fake chip and not the real one. Darien is shocked and angry at being double-crossed and feels betrayed by The Agency.

The episode ends with Darien returning to his old life and getting involved in a robbery, but this time he uses his invisibility to pull it off. However, he is caught by the police and taken to jail. Hobbes comes to visit Darien in jail and offers him a deal - he can either stay in jail or join The Agency again and take on a new mission. Darien initially refuses but then agrees after Hobbes plays on his guilt of having betrayed his brother's legacy.

Overall, the pilot episode of The Invisible Man sets up an intriguing premise and introduces us to a complex and flawed protagonist in Darien Fawkes. The episode is fast-paced and action-packed, and the chemistry between the two leads, Darien and Hobbes, is entertaining. The show's special effects, especially the invisibility effects, are impressive, and the episode's themes of trust, betrayal, and redemption are compelling. The episode leaves the viewers with a lot of questions regarding the future of Darien and The Agency, making them eager to find out what happens next.

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  • First Aired
    July 5, 2006
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language