Trawler Wars

Watch Trawler Wars

  • N/A
  • 2013

Trawler Wars is a docu-series that premiered on Discovery Channel in 2013. The show features a dramatic portrayal of a battle for supremacy on the high seas between two fishing fleets. The series follows a group of fishermen who are competing for the same resources in the Irish Sea and showcases the trials and tribulations they face on a daily basis.

The show throws light on the adverse impacts of the fishing industry on marine ecosystems in the region. The fishing fleets belonging to Alan Dwan and Colin Barnes are based in Antrim and Kilkeel, respectively. Both these men are battling for supremacy over the fishing market in the area and will go to any extent to win.

Throughout the series, viewers get a chance to witness the fishing operations of both fleets from their base to catch fish in the open sea and bring it back to the harbor to sell at market. The fishermen rely on their experience and expertise to navigate the rough waters of the Irish Sea and locate the elusive shoals of fish.

One of the main storylines of the show is the rivalry between Barnes and Dwan. The two men have a history of animosity towards each other, and this rivalry is further fueled by the competition for valuable fishing grounds. Viewers get to witness their bitter feud over the eight hour voyage, which is known as the "ramming season." It is a lengthy journey that takes the fleets close to the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The show highlights the potential dangers that fishermen face daily in the business of trawling. From broken ropes and nets to heavy seas, the men have to contend with the harshest of weather conditions. The boats are often overloaded to maximize the profit resulting in a lack of stability, thereby posing safety concerns. The competition between the fleets raises tensions, with the fishing grounds subject to overfishing, which has caused the depletion of various species of fish.

The show also depicts the contentious relationship between fisheries and environmental conservationists. Environmental campaigners argue that the trawling activity is not sustainable and poses severe threats to the aquatic ecosystem. Trawler Wars features the protests at sea, mainly targeting the use of pair trawling that has been known to cause harm to the seabed. Activists claim that such practices impede the survival of fish species and their habitat. Through this, viewers get an insight into the struggle between conservationists and the industry in balancing economic success and protecting the environment.

Trawler Wars exposes the economic and social toll that the fishing industry has on the communities. As the show progresses, the fishermen's struggles go beyond the challenges they face at sea. The series documents the financial challenges involved in running a successful fishing operation and the immense pressure to stay profitable. Viewers get an insight into the emotional, physical, and financial toll the job takes on the fishermen.

The show does contain moments of humor amidst all the serious drama, highlighting the fishermen’s camaraderie on board. The relentless banter amongst the boat crews, their superstitions, and the lulls in fishing activity showcase the lighter moments in the show.

Trawler Wars is an excellent mixture of all aspects of the fishing industry that gives viewers a taste of what the life of a fisherman is like. From battles of ego and dominance, environmental concerns, and the harsh realities of trawling, the show reveals the more challenging and often hidden aspects of the industry. The series provides an unflinching insight into the daily challenges and underlines the fishermen's dedication to their livelihoods. It shows their deep-rooted passion for fishing, which overrides the risks and hardships that come with it. In the end, the show is a gripping look at the unsung heroes of this dangerous trade.

In conclusion, Trawler Wars has something for everyone, from those interested in fishing to environmental conservationists. The series brings to light issues that have yet to be addressed and showcases real-life experiences on the high seas. The show captures the tribulations of the fishing industry, the battles between fleets, and the difficulties involved in making a livelihood from fishing. Ultimately, it provides a rare insight into a world that is unknown to many.

Trawler Wars