Astro Boy 1980 Season 1 Episode 22
Astro Boy 1980
Season 1

Ep 22. The Girl From Alsoar

  • March 4, 1981

Astro Boy 1980 season 1 episode 22, titled The Girl From Alsoar, takes viewers on a journey through space as they meet a young girl named Alina who claims to be from another planet. The episode begins with Astro and his friends, including Professor Ochanomizu, Pickachu, and Uran, on a mission to observe the latest comet passing by Earth. While they are in space, they encounter a strange spacecraft and, upon further investigation, they discover Alina inside.

Astro and his team are cautious at first, but after Alina explains that she is from the planet Alsoar and is on a mission to save her planet, they agree to help her. Alina shares with them that her planet is in danger due to a virus that has been attacking their crops and livestock. She explains that her people are not able to find a cure and that they need a rare mineral found on Earth to help them.

With their new mission to help Alina, they quickly realize that the rare mineral they need is located in a highly guarded military base. Astro and his friends use their advanced technology to infiltrate the base and retrieve the mineral. However, they soon find out that they are not the only ones after the valuable resource. A group of thieves also has their sights set on the mineral and will stop at nothing to get it.

As the group of thieves pursues them, Astro and his team must navigate their way through various obstacles and challenges to safely return the mineral to Alina's people. With the help of Uran and Pickachu’s quick thinking, they are able to outsmart the thieves and successfully deliver the mineral to Alina.

However, their mission is not over yet. Once they deliver the mineral, Alina discovers that it is not the cure her people need after all. With time running out, Alina and Astro must work together to find another solution before it is too late for her planet.

The episode concludes with a heartwarming message about the importance of friendship, teamwork, and compassion. It emphasizes the idea that when people come together, they can overcome any obstacle, no matter how great.

Overall, The Girl From Alsoar is an exciting and adventurous episode that takes viewers on a journey through space. It has plenty of action, suspense, and heartwarming moments that will leave viewers wanting more. The episode also touches on the importance of working together and helping others in need, making it a great lesson for audiences of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    March 4, 1981
  • Language