Cheyenne Season 2 Episode 12
Season 2

Ep 12. War Party

  • TVG
  • February 12, 1957
  • 8.5  (105)

Cheyenne season 2 episode 12, "War Party," continues the western drama's thrilling storyline. As the title suggests, this episode centers around the theme of war, as tensions between Native Americans and white settlers rise. Cheyenne Bodie (played by Clint Walker) finds himself caught in the middle of the conflict, forced to choose between his duties as a lawman and his respect for the Cheyenne people.

The episode opens with Cheyenne and his posse investigating a series of attacks on white settlements. The attackers, believed to be a band of Cheyenne warriors, have been raiding ranches and killing innocent civilians. As tensions rise, the local military commander orders all Cheyenne people to be confined to a reservation, a decision that Cheyenne opposes. He believes that the attacks are being carried out by a small group of renegade warriors, and that punishing the entire tribe for their actions is unjust.

As Cheyenne investigates the attacks further, he comes across evidence that supports his theory. He discovers that the true culprits behind the violence are actually a group of white criminals who have been disguising themselves as Cheyenne warriors. Cheyenne is determined to uncover the truth and bring the real criminals to justice.

Meanwhile, tensions between the Cheyenne people and the settlers continue to rise. A group of white vigilantes sets out to attack the Cheyenne reservation, intent on getting revenge for the attacks on their communities. Cheyenne must act quickly to prevent a full-blown war from breaking out.

In the midst of all this chaos, Cheyenne also finds himself having to confront his own conflicted feelings about his heritage. As a half-Cheyenne man, he is torn between his loyalty to his tribe and his duty as a lawman. When he is faced with a difficult decision, he must choose which side he truly stands on.

"War Party" is a gripping and action-packed episode that explores themes of prejudice, justice, and loyalty. It showcases the complexities of the relationships between white settlers and Native Americans during a time of great conflict and upheaval in the American West. Fans of westerns and historical dramas alike will find plenty to enjoy in this exciting installment of Cheyenne.

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  • First Aired
    February 12, 1957
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.5  (105)