Cheyenne Season 2 Episode 16
Season 2

Ep 16. The Brand

  • TVG
  • April 8, 1957
  • 7.6  (85)

In "Cheyenne" season 2 episode 16, titled "The Brand," Cheyenne Bodie (played by Clint Walker) finds himself in the middle of a feud between two powerful cattle ranchers. The episode begins with Cheyenne heading to the town of Santa Rita to pick up his pay as a cowhand at the Barlett Ranch. While there, he discovers that the ranch's owner, Frank Barlett (played by John Alderson), is in a bitter dispute with his neighbor, John Baylor (played by Addision Richards), over a strip of land that runs between their properties.

The conflict between the two ranchers is further complicated by the fact that Barlett's daughter, Lila (played by Beverly Garland), is engaged to Baylor's son, Walt (played by Stuart Randall). Cheyenne soon finds himself caught in the middle of the dispute, as both Barlett and Baylor try to convince him to take their side. Cheyenne, however, remains neutral and tries to bring the two sides together for a peaceful resolution.

As the tension between the two ranchers escalates, Cheyenne begins investigating the roots of the feud. He discovers that the conflict goes back several generations, all the way to when Barlett's ancestors first arrived in the area. The dispute over the strip of land is a symbol of all the past wrongs and perceived injustices that both families have suffered.

Cheyenne also learns that the feud has attracted the attention of a notorious outlaw named Johnny Ringo (played by James Westmoreland). Ringo is in town to seek revenge against Baylor, who he believes was responsible for the death of his brother. When Ringo learns about the conflict between Barlett and Baylor, he sees an opportunity to further his own agenda. Cheyenne must act quickly to prevent Ringo from causing a bloodbath between the two families.

The tension reaches its breaking point when Barlett decides to brand his cattle on the disputed strip of land. Baylor sees this as a direct challenge and sends his men to stop him. As the two sides face off, Cheyenne intervenes, trying to convince them to stand down and find a peaceful solution.

In the end, Cheyenne is able to broker a truce between the two families, but not before a final showdown with Johnny Ringo. The episode ends with Cheyenne riding off into the sunset, having once again come to the aid of those in need and prevented violence from erupting.

"The Brand" is a classic western episode that explores themes of family, tradition, and the power of long-standing grudges. The conflict between Barlett and Baylor is a microcosm of the larger conflicts that have defined the American West for centuries. The tension is palpable throughout the episode, and the performances by the cast are superb, bringing these complex characters to life. As always, Cheyenne Bodie is the voice of reason and the embodiment of the noble cowboy ethos that has made him such an enduring icon of American popular culture.

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  • First Aired
    April 8, 1957
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.6  (85)