Conan Season 2019 Episode 31
Season 2019

Ep 31. Gad Elmaleh

  • March 21, 2019

Conan O'Brien hosts another exciting episode of Conan season 2019, and on this episode, he welcomed the French comedian Gad Elmaleh. Gad is widely recognized as one of the most prominent and influential performers in the French entertainment industry, and he also appears in the popular American sitcom "Curb Your Enthusiasm" as himself.

As the show started, Conan brought Gad on stage, and the audience cheered and clapped for the comedian's entrance. Conan started the conversation by asking Gad how he felt about living in America. Gad revealed that he loved the country, but he found Americans to be too polite. He joked about how people would say, "Have a great day," and it felt like they meant it. He also talked about how Americans greet each other in elevators, which he finds very strange.

The conversation between Conan and Gad continued, with Conan asking the comedian about his experience performing stand-up in English. Gad discussed how challenging it was at first but gradually became a lot easier. He also joked about how he struggles with some English words, particularly the pronunciation of the word "unique." The two continued joking around, discussing the differences between French and American culture.

Gad then performed some of his stand-up comedy, and the audience laughed throughout. He talked about his experience performing stand-up comedy in France and how he became popular worldwide. The comedian also commented on how French people view Americans, and he did an excellent job of making fun of both cultures.

Conan then moved on to another topic and asked Gad about how he balances his personal life with his career. Gad shared his philosophy on how fame has changed him and how he now values his time with his family more than anything else.

After the commercial break, the two discussed various topics, including Gad's love for soccer and his upcoming shows in Los Angeles. Conan surprised Gad by bringing out his wife, Charlotte Casiraghi, and his sister Judith Elmaleh, who are both prominent members of French royal families. The three revealed their plans for a charity initiative, and Gad thanked them for their support and encouragement.

Conan then introduced a new segment of the show called "Gad's Guide to Los Angeles," where Gad shows Conan around Los Angeles and introduces him to various essential places in the city. The segment featured some of the city's iconic places, including the famous In-N-Out Burger joint, the Hollywood Bowl, and several other landmarks.

The show ended with a touching moment, with Gad thanking Conan for having him on the show and for being an incredible host. Conan thanked him as well, and the two hugged it out.

Overall, the episode was a hilarious mix of jokes, stories, and insightful moments. Conan and Gad were a great duo, and their laughter was contagious. The episode ended on a happy note, providing a heartwarming ending to a great show.

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  • First Aired
    March 21, 2019
  • Language