Conan Season 8 Episode 72
Season 8

Ep 72. Aubrey Plaza, Jason George, And Musical Guest Marlon Williams

  • May 2, 2018

In season 8 episode 72 of Conan, fans are in for a treat as comedian Aubrey Plaza stops by to chat with Conan O'Brien. Plaza, who is known for her roles in films such as "Parks and Recreation" and "Legion," is sure to bring laughter and perhaps a few surprises to the show.

Also joining the show is actor Jason George, who is perhaps best known for his role on the hit medical drama "Grey's Anatomy." George is sure to provide insights into his latest projects and perhaps even share a few behind-the-scenes stories from his long career in the entertainment industry.

But the star power doesn't stop there. This episode of Conan also features musical guest Marlon Williams, who is sure to bring a unique energy and sound to the show. Williams, who hails from New Zealand, is known for his soulful voice and captivating stage presence, making his performance on Conan a must-see for any music lover.

As always, Conan's signature humor and sharp wit will keep the show moving at a brisk pace, with plenty of laughs and surprises along the way. Whether you're a fan of comedy, music, or just good old-fashioned entertainment, season 8 episode 72 of Conan has something for everyone. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and get ready for an unforgettable episode of late-night television.

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  • First Aired
    May 2, 2018
  • Language