Dean Of Invention Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Building the Bionic Body

  • October 22, 2010

Dean Of Invention is a popular television show that focuses on the field of engineering and explores the latest innovative technologies in the field. In the second episode of season one, titled Building the Bionic Body, the show focuses on how engineers are using technology to improve the functioning of the human body.At the start of the episode, the host of the show, Dean Kamen, introduces the viewers to the world of prosthetics and how they have evolved over the years. He then explains how scientists and engineers are now trying to develop prosthetics that are integrated with technology and are controlled by the user's brain.

Dean then talks about the challenges that engineers face when designing such prosthetics, such as ensuring that the devices are comfortable, lightweight, and enable the user to perform a wide range of movements. The show then introduces us to Dr. Todd Kuiken, who is a leading prosthetics expert and a professor at Northwestern University. According to Dr. Kuiken, his team's goal is to design prosthetics that are "more intuitive and natural."

The show's host then visits Dr. Kuiken's laboratory, where he demonstrates how they are using cutting-edge technology to create prosthetic arms that are controlled by the user's brain. The host is introduced to Glen Lehman, a patient who lost both his arms in an accident and is now testing the new prosthetic arms. During the demonstration, Glen moves his arms, picks up objects, and even shakes hands with the host, showing how the prosthetic arms work seamlessly and are capable of performing intricate movements.

Moving on, the episode introduces us to another team of engineers who are working on creating an exoskeleton that can help people with lower limb paralysis walk again. The team takes the host of the show to a rehabilitation center, where they have set up a test model of their exoskeleton. They show how the exoskeleton works by using sensors to read the user's movements and then translates them into commands that the exoskeleton follows.

The episode then shifts focus to the field of sports and how engineers are using technology to enhance athletic performance. The show's host meets with Dave Marver, the CEO of an athletic technology company, who talks about how they are using sensors to gather data on athletes' movements and use that data to improve their performance.

The episode concludes with a look at how technology is being used to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Dean speaks with several individuals who have benefited from the advancements in prosthetics and exoskeletons, and how these devices have helped them regain some of their independence. They describe how they can now perform tasks that they previously thought were impossible, such as holding a cup of coffee or walking down the street.

Overall, the Building the Bionic Body episode of Dean Of Invention is an inspiring look at how technology is changing the world of prosthetics and exoskeletons. The show gives a glimpse into the many challenges engineers face when designing these devices, but also highlights how their work can change people's lives in profound ways. If you are interested in the field of engineering, technology, and how they can improve our lives, this episode is a must-watch.

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  • First Aired
    October 22, 2010
  • Language