Dish Nation Season 9 Episode 67
Dish Nation
Season 9

Ep 67. Barack Obama gives Drake the go ahead and Madonna gets cozy with her boo!

  • TVPG
  • December 1, 2020

The latest episode of Dish Nation season 9 is all about the latest happenings in the world of Hollywood. In this episode, listeners will get to hear about the exciting news that Drake received the go-ahead from former president Barack Obama!

The hosts of Dish Nation will also delve into the topic of Madonna's latest romantic relationship. Listeners will hear all about how Madonna is allegedly getting cozy with her new beau and the inside scoop on their relationship.

Throughout the episode, the hosts will provide their own unique take on the latest gossip and news, providing comedic relief and insightful commentary. From speculation about celebrity couples to juicy rumors and celebrity feuds, Dish Nation covers the latest happenings in the entertainment world.

In addition to the latest celebrity gossip, the hosts of Dish Nation will discuss pop culture news stories and trending topics from around the world. They will delve into the latest updates on major news stories, offering their own perspectives and opinions.

Listeners can expect to hear from a variety of famous guests and celebrities who will appear on the show to share their own insights and perspectives. From musicians to actors to comedians, there's no shortage of big names and personalities on Dish Nation.

Whether you're looking for the latest celebrity gossip or want to hear some witty banter from a group of seasoned hosts, Dish Nation season 9 episode 67 has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and tune in to hear the latest in Hollywood news and pop culture trends.

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  • First Aired
    December 1, 2020
  • Content Rating
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