Dr. Phil Show Season 11 Episode 45
Dr. Phil Show
Season 11

Ep 45. Dr. Phil Visits Monster In-Law Khalood

  • November 5, 2012

Dr. Phil Visits Monster In-Law Khalood:

In this episode of the Dr. Phil Show, season 11 episode 45, the focus is on the difficult relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Dr. Phil visits Khalood, who has been labeled a "monster in-law" by her son's wife, Laura. Laura explains that since the beginning of their relationship, Khalood has been controlling, critical, and manipulative. She claims that Khalood has even gone as far as to try and sabotage their marriage by spreading lies and rumors about her to family members and friends.

Dr. Phil attempts to get to the root of the problem by having both women share their side of the story. Khalood denies any wrongdoing and insists that she has only ever been trying to help her son and his wife. She claims that Laura has always been ungrateful and disrespectful towards her and that she is the victim in this situation.

Laura, on the other hand, shares specific examples of how Khalood has tried to undermine her, such as suggesting to Laura's employer that she was stealing from the company and trying to persuade her son to divorce her. She also reveals that Khalood has made derogatory comments about her appearance, weight, and even her cooking.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Phil attempts to mediate the conversation and get both women to understand each other's perspectives. He encourages them to communicate openly and honestly, in an effort to find a resolution.

Khalood eventually admits that she has been overly critical of Laura and agrees to work on changing her behavior. She acknowledges that her actions have hurt her son and his wife, and expresses a desire to repair their relationship.

Laura, for her part, agrees to give Khalood another chance and tries to remain open-minded about their future interactions. She also expresses a desire to move forward in a positive way.

Overall, the episode highlights the importance of communication and understanding in any relationship, especially in-law relationships. Dr. Phil offers valuable advice for how to handle conflicts in a healthy and productive manner, and encourages both women to work towards a better future together.

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  • First Aired
    November 5, 2012
  • Language