Dr. Phil Show Season 15 Episode 116
Dr. Phil Show
Season 15

Ep 116. My Mother-In-Law Allowed My Husband to Have an Affair Under Her Roof, and Now My Husband Is Threatening to Kill Me

  • March 13, 2017

In season 15 episode 116 of the Dr. Phil Show, titled "My Mother-In-Law Allowed My Husband to Have an Affair Under Her Roof, and Now My Husband Is Threatening to Kill Me," a woman shares her disturbing story of betrayal and fear. The episode begins with Dr. Phil introducing the guest, who explains that she has been married for five years to a man who has cheated on her repeatedly throughout their relationship. She reveals that her mother-in-law was aware of her son's infidelities and even allowed him to bring his mistresses to her home, where he would have sex with them in the guest room.

The guest's husband has become increasingly volatile and abusive towards her, and she now lives in fear for her life. He has threatened to kill her if she ever tries to leave him or reveal his secrets to anyone. Dr. Phil listens carefully to the woman's story and offers his support and guidance throughout the episode.

He discusses the psychology behind abusive relationships and offers tools and resources for those who are in similar situations. He also encourages the guest to seek help from law enforcement and to file for a restraining order to protect herself from her husband's threats.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Phil makes it clear that this type of behavior is unacceptable and encourages the guest to take action to protect herself and her children. He emphasizes the importance of getting help from friends, family, and professionals who can support her through this difficult time.

In the end, the guest expresses her gratitude for Dr. Phil's help and guidance, and vows to take the necessary steps to ensure her safety and wellbeing. The episode provides valuable insights into the dynamics of abusive relationships and offers hope and support for those who may be experiencing similar challenges in their lives.

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  • First Aired
    March 13, 2017
  • Language