Dr. Phil Show Season 15 Episode 253
Dr. Phil Show
Season 15

Ep 253. Our 15-Year-Old Criminal Daughter Is Ruining Her Life and Our Marriage!

  • January 16, 2018

Our 15-Year-Old Criminal Daughter Is Ruining Her Life and Our Marriage! is the 253rd episode of season 15 of the popular talk show, Dr. Phil. As the name suggests, this episode follows the story of parents who are struggling to deal with their 15-year-old daughter's continual involvement in criminal activities and how it is ruining their family life.

The episode begins with Dr. Phil introducing the couple who are the parents of the teenage girl. They explain how their daughter has been engaging in criminal activities like stealing, lying, drug use, and promiscuity. They are at their wit's end as all their attempts to make her stop these activities have failed, and they are considering sending her to juvenile detention. The parents appear to be under immense stress and seem to blame themselves for their daughter's behavior.

Dr. Phil takes the couple through a series of questions that delve deeper into the root cause of their daughter's behavior and why she is involved in such activities. He eventually discovers that their daughter's behavior is a result of a childhood trauma that she experienced, and the parents did not address it or provide adequate support for her emotional and psychological growth.

The episode progresses with Dr. Phil and the parents discussing ways to help their daughter overcome her issues and change her behavior. Dr. Phil provides them with practical advice and resources that they can use to address their daughter's underlying issues and help her build self-esteem, confidence, and a positive outlook on life.

Towards the end of the episode, the daughter joins the parents on stage. Dr. Phil has a heart-to-heart conversation with her and tells her how her actions are not only affecting her life but also her parents' life. The daughter seems remorseful and expresses a desire to change her behavior. Dr. Phil provides her with advice and support as he encourages her to focus on her personal growth and development.

In conclusion, Our 15-Year-Old Criminal Daughter Is Ruining Her Life and Our Marriage! is a thought-provoking episode of Dr. Phil that sheds light on the impact of childhood trauma and the importance of parental support in a child's life. The episode offers practical solutions for parents who are dealing with rebellious teenagers and provides invaluable insight into the psychology of teenagers and how it influences their behavior. Dr. Phil once again proves to be an expert in dealing with complex family issues, offering practical solutions and guidance that help the family rebuild their relationships and move towards a positive future.

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  • First Aired
    January 16, 2018
  • Language