Dr. Phil Show Season 15 Episode 31
Dr. Phil Show
Season 15

Ep 31. My Fame-Obsessed Ex Spreads Lies That I Tried to Poison Our Daughter With a Sports Drink

  • October 25, 2016

In this episode of Dr. Phil, a woman named Karen is accused by her ex-husband of trying to poison their daughter with a sports drink. Karen denies these accusations and claims that her ex-husband is spreading lies about her because he is obsessed with fame.

Karen and her ex-husband were married for 17 years and have two children together. According to Karen, their marriage was tumultuous, and her ex-husband was always focused on becoming famous. Karen claims that her ex-husband would do anything to get attention, even if it meant lying or making up stories about her.

After their divorce, Karen and her ex-husband continued to have a strained relationship, especially when it came to their daughter. According to Karen, her ex-husband would often try to turn their daughter against her, and he would make false accusations to try and make Karen look bad.

One day, Karen received a call from her ex-husband, accusing her of trying to poison their daughter with a sports drink. Karen was shocked and denied these accusations, but her ex-husband continued to spread the story to anyone who would listen. Karen's daughter even began to believe the lies and refused to drink sports drinks when she was with her mother.

Karen claims that her ex-husband's obsession with fame is what drove him to spread these lies. She believes that he wanted to create drama and controversy so that he could gain attention and potentially become famous.

Dr. Phil listens to both Karen and her ex-husband's side of the story and tries to get to the bottom of the accusations. He brings in medical professionals to talk about the effects of poisoning and tests the sports drink to see if it is contaminated.

Throughout the episode, viewers are left wondering who is telling the truth and what really happened with the sports drink. Dr. Phil does his best to uncover the truth and help Karen and her ex-husband move forward from their tumultuous relationship.

Overall, this episode of Dr. Phil deals with the serious issue of false accusations and the potentially harmful effects they can have on relationships and families. It also explores the dangers of fame obsession and the lengths some people will go to get attention.

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  • First Aired
    October 25, 2016
  • Language