Dr. Phil Show Season 16 Episode 19
Dr. Phil Show
Season 16

Ep 19. From Christian Cheerleader to Car-Stealing Criminal: What Happened to Our Daughter?

  • October 4, 2018

From Christian Cheerleader to Car-Stealing Criminal: What Happened to Our Daughter? follows the story of a young woman whose parents are struggling to understand and cope with her shocking behavior. The episode begins with the parents sharing how their daughter, whom they describe as a devout Christian and accomplished high school cheerleader, started to act out after starting college.

The parents share how their daughter began to fall in with the wrong crowd and started to engage in risky behaviors, such as using drugs and stealing cars. They express their confusion and hurt over their daughter's sudden transformation from a model student and beloved daughter to a criminal.

Dr. Phil listens empathetically to the parents and helps guide them towards understanding the underlying issues that could be driving their daughter's behavior. He highlights the importance of addressing any mental health concerns that their daughter may have, such as anxiety or depression, as well as exploring the possibility of substance abuse.

The episode also features a personal interview with the daughter, who shares her perspective on the situation and offers insight into her struggles. Dr. Phil encourages the daughter to take ownership of her actions and to work towards making better choices for her future.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Phil emphasizes the importance of family communication and understanding, and provides guidance on how the parents can support their daughter as she navigates this difficult period in her life. The episode ends with the family expressing hope for a brighter future and a renewed commitment to working together to overcome their challenges.

Overall, From Christian Cheerleader to Car-Stealing Criminal: What Happened to Our Daughter? offers a powerful look at the impact of mental health and substance abuse on families, while providing hope and guidance for those facing similar struggles.

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  • First Aired
    October 4, 2018
  • Language