Dr. Phil Show Season 16 Episode 6
Dr. Phil Show
Season 16

Ep 6. My Perfect Cheerleader Fiancee Is Abusing Me!

  • September 17, 2018

In the season 16 episode 6 of the Dr. Phil show titled "My Perfect Cheerleader Fiancée Is Abusing Me!", viewers are introduced to a man named Dylan who claims that he is being abused by his fiancée, Kayla. Dylan had initially viewed Kayla as the perfect woman, but their relationship has taken a dark turn, and he is now living in fear.

Dylan claims that Kayla is physically, emotionally, and psychologically abusive towards him and that he is living in a constant state of fear. He says that he has to walk on eggshells around her and that she will fly into a rage at the slightest provocation. Dylan says that Kayla hits him, scratches him, and even threatens to kill him. He feels trapped in the relationship as he says that Kayla uses their financial situation to keep him dependent on her, and he doesn't know how to get out.

Dr. Phil begins by validating Dylan's concerns about the situation and assuring him that he is not alone. He encourages Dylan to share his story and to be honest about what is happening to him. He also speaks with Kayla and asks her to share her side of the story.

Kayla denies the allegations of abuse and says that Dylan is making everything up. She claims that he is just trying to destroy their relationship and that she has never laid a hand on him. Kayla says that Dylan is the one who is abusive and that he has a history of hitting and hurting her. She says that she is the victim in the relationship and that she is the one who is living in fear.

Dr. Phil continues to question both Dylan and Kayla about their relationship history and about any incidents of abuse that may have occurred. He asks Dylan if he has ever hit Kayla, and Dylan denies it. He also asks Kayla if she has ever hit Dylan, and she denies it as well.

Dr. Phil then brings in a domestic violence expert to share some insights into the dynamics of abusive relationships. The expert explains how abusers often use money, power, and control to keep their victims in line and how victims can often feel trapped and unable to escape. She also discusses the warning signs of abuse and how to recognize them.

Throughout the show, Dr. Phil encourages Dylan to stand up for himself and to take control of his life. He offers him resources for getting out of the abusive situation and for getting the help he needs to heal. He also encourages Kayla to seek help for any issues she may be dealing with and to take responsibility for her actions.

In the end, the episode leaves viewers with a better understanding of the complexities of abusive relationships and with the hope that Dylan can find a way to escape the situation and begin to heal.

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  • First Aired
    September 17, 2018
  • Language