Ed, Edd n' Eddy Season 4 Episode 22
Ed, Edd n' Eddy
Season 4

Ep 22. Here's Mud in Your Ed

  • February 20, 2004
  • 7.0  (79)

Ed, Edd n' Eddy is a classic animated TV show about the adventures of three adolescent boys who are also best friends. The show revolves around their various misadventures in their suburban neighborhood. In season 4 episode 22 titled Here's Mud in Your Ed, the trio is up to their usual hijinks as they try to come up with ways to make money that can enable them to buy some jawbreakers.

The episode starts with the boys sitting on a bench, trying to come up with ideas for their latest scam. Ed comes up with an idea that involves them making and selling mud pies. Edd, who is the brains of the group, is initially hesitant about the idea. However, he eventually agrees, and the trio sets about making the mud pies. They gather mud from the swampy area in the neighborhood, mix it with some other ingredients, and start baking them in an oven.

As they are baking the mud pies, they are interrupted by Sarah, Ed's younger sister, and her friend, Jimmy. Sarah is upset because the boys had refused to let her join in their activities. Jimmy, on the other hand, is curious about what the boys are doing. He accidentally drops a toy truck in the mud, and the boys decide to incorporate it into their mud pies, believing that the toy truck will make the mud pies more attractive.

The boys are soon joined by other neighborhood kids who are interested in buying their mud pies. However, things start to go wrong when the pies start to fall apart, and the customers start to become upset. The boys, who are determined not to let their customers down, start to improvise, adding various ingredients to make the mud pies firmer.

As the boys are trying to fix the mud pies, they are interrupted by Kevin, the neighborhood bully. Kevin is dismissive of their mud-pie business and taunts them about their ineptitude. However, the boys, who are not easily intimidated, challenge Kevin to try one of their mud pies. Kevin agrees, but he is soon regretting his decision when he discovers that the mud pies contain a secret ingredient that is not very pleasant.

The episode ends with the boys cleaning up the mess that they had created and counting their earnings from the mud-pie business. The boys' latest scam had not been entirely successful, but they had learned valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of customer satisfaction.

Overall, Here's Mud in Your Ed is a lighthearted, funny episode that captures the spirit of Ed, Edd n' Eddy perfectly. The episode is full of witty one-liners, absurd situations, and hilarious physical comedy. It is an excellent example of the show's ability to entertain audiences of all ages, making it a timeless classic that fans continue to enjoy even years after it first aired.

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  • First Aired
    February 20, 2004
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (79)