Watch Eureka Seven
- 2009
- 2 Seasons
7.8 (3,348)
Eureka Seven is a Japanese animated show that aired on Adult Swim from 2005 to 2006. The show is set in a futuristic world where humanity has colonized the entire planet and developed technology that allows people to fly using surfboards called "trapar" boards. The story follows a young boy named Renton Thurston, who dreams of joining a group of rebels called Gekkostate, led by his hero, Holland Novak.
As the series begins, Renton is living with his grandfather in a small town, feeling unfulfilled with his life and longing for adventure. One day, he meets a girl named Eureka, who is a member of Gekkostate and the pilot of a powerful mecha called the Nirvash. Renton is immediately drawn to her and becomes obsessed with joining Gekkostate and flying with her. However, he soon learns that the life of a Gekkostate member is not as glamorous as he imagined, and must learn to navigate the complex interpersonal relationships within the group.
The show explores themes of love, loss, identity, and the human condition through the eyes of Renton and Eureka. As the two grow closer, they must confront the dark secrets of their pasts and the forces that threaten their world. Along the way, they meet a colorful cast of characters, including Holland's second-in-command Talho, the hacking genius Hap, and the philosophical stoner Dominic.
The animation in Eureka Seven is vibrant and dynamic, with a mix of traditional and computer-generated techniques that create a unique visual style. The show's music is also a standout, featuring a diverse range of genres from electronic to rock to orchestral. The opening theme, "Days" by Flow, became a hit in Japan and has since become a beloved anime anthem.
Eureka Seven is not just a story of adventure and romance, though. The show also tackles complex political and social issues. In this future world, corporations and governments work together to maintain order, but at the cost of individual freedom and the environment. The Gekkostate rebels fight against this system, but also struggle with their own conflicting philosophies and agendas. The show raises questions about the role of authority, the ethics of revolution, and the importance of grassroots activism.
Overall, Eureka Seven is a gripping and thought-provoking anime that blends action, drama, and romance in a unique and visually stunning package. It has earned a dedicated fanbase and is often cited as one of the best anime series of the early 2000s. If you're a fan of sci-fi, romance, or just great storytelling, Eureka Seven is definitely worth a watch.
Eureka Seven is a series that ran for 2 seasons (74 episodes) between August 26, 2009 and on Adult Swim