Ghost Hunters Season 3 Episode 6
Ghost Hunters
Season 3

Ep 6. Attack of the Irish Elementa

  • November 15, 2006
  • 43 min
  • 7.3  (21)

The Ghost Hunters third season has produced some of the most intriguing and bone-chilling episodes showcasing the hunters' courage and knack for the paranormal. However, episode 6 brings something different, unexpected, and irresistibly captivating. The story, titled "Attack of the Irish Elementa," takes the hunters to a small Irish community in search of the truth behind a string of unusual events.

The show begins with the hunters, who make their way to Ireland, landing in the small, picturesque village of Dunhaven. Originally, they'd been summoned by the residents of a local pub. Unexplained happenings around the establishment have left the locals scared, and they've called on the hunters' expertise. The Ghost Hunters are no strangers to investigating strange phenomena. However, this time, they faced their most challenging elementals haunting yet.

As the hunters make their way to the pub, they connect with some of the locals, who claim to have witnessed some weird paranormal activities. The bartender claims that on one occasion, while cleaning up the kitchen, he saw a greenish cloud flowing in the air. He couldn't explain it, but it vanished as he attempted to touch it. Another witness, a local teacher, recalls being spooked in broad daylight when he saw a young lady walking down the street, only to have her disappear before his eyes. The hunters also learn about the local Irish folklore and legends surrounding the occult, including ancient rituals, spells, and mystical creatures that inhabit the region.

The hunters set up shop inside the pub and begin conducting their initial investigations. Initially, all signs point to the existence of supernatural activity. However, the hunters conclude that they could be dealing with an elemental haunting. Elementals are supernatural creatures of the earth, water, fire, air, and spirit who can shape-shift into different forms and cause destruction and mayhem in whatever manner they choose. The hunters set out to investigate the elemental presence, and what they find is indeed unsettling. The initial stage of investigation confirms unconventional activity across the Vicinity. Doors opening and closing on their own, light flickering, and objects moving randomly, none of which has mundane explanation.

The hunters continue their investigation over a week, with increasingly strange and terrifying incidents happening around them. Objects are thrown at them, and they hear and see things that cannot be explained. The paranormal activity seems to be escalating, and the hunters begin to feel a genuine threat to their safety.

Eventually, the hunters confront a wall of green mist, which can only be recognized as the elemental they've been hunting. The creature appears as a green cloud with no discernable form but takes on various shapes: resembling to a hawk, a serpent, and a humanoid. The entity seems to be angry and aggressive, and the hunters are powerless against it.

The episode concludes with the hunters being only able to flee from the pub, giving up their investigation and leaving the locals to deal with the situation. The episode suggests a sense of fear into the audience, who begin to understand the extent of the Danger portrayed in the show.

Overall, "Attack of the Irish Elementals" is an exciting and haunting episode of Ghost Hunters, with enough twists and turns to keep viewers anticipating the next startling moment. It's a fascinating insight into Irish folklore and legends and raises questions about the existence of supernatural entities. The episode leaves the audience with a significant sense of uncertainty and mystery that lingers long after the final credits have rolled.

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  • First Aired
    November 15, 2006
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (21)