Gunsmoke Season 4 Episode 7
Season 4

Ep 7. Stage Hold-Up

  • October 25, 1958
  • 7.6  (153)

Marshal Matt Dillon and his trusted deputy, Festus Haggen, are called upon to investigate a stage hold-up in the quiet town of Dodge City. The stagecoach had been carrying a large amount of money in gold, and the robbers managed to escape with their loot.

As Matt and Festus start their investigation, they meet some of the local townspeople, including a man named Ned Plummer who has a strong motive for committing the robbery. Ned is in debt and desperate for money, and the gold on the stagecoach would have been enough to solve all of his problems.

Meanwhile, Matt and Festus also encounter a group of cowboys who have just arrived in town and who become the prime suspects in the stage hold-up. The cowboys are led by a tough-looking hombre named Sam Kelso, who has a reputation for being a notorious outlaw.

Despite Sam Kelso's intimidating presence, Matt and Festus manage to gather enough evidence to clear the cowboys of any wrongdoing in the stage hold-up. They then turn their attention back to Ned Plummer, who is quickly becoming their main suspect.

As Matt and Festus continue their investigation, they uncover a web of deceit, jealousy, and greed that leads them to a shocking final conclusion. With their trusty six-shooters at their side, they confront the real culprit and bring him to justice.

Throughout the episode, Gunsmoke fans will be treated to the iconic dialogue and memorable characters that have made the show a classic of the Western genre. The chemistry between Marshal Matt Dillon and his deputy Festus Haggen is especially strong, as they work together to solve the case and keep the peace in Dodge City.

Overall, "Stage Hold-Up" is a thrilling installment in the Gunsmoke series that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. With its high stakes, dramatic plot twists, and unforgettable performances from its talented cast, this episode is a must-see for fans of classic Western television.

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  • First Aired
    October 25, 1958
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.6  (153)