I Love Lucy Season 3 Episode 5
I Love Lucy
Season 3

Ep 5. Lucy Tells the Truth

  • TVG
  • November 9, 1953
  • 25 min
  • 8.8  (403)

In the third season of the classic TV show, I Love Lucy, episode 5 titled "Lucy Tells the Truth," Lucy once again gets herself into a sticky situation that only her husband, Ricky, can help her out of. The episode begins with Lucy and Ethel soaking in the sun on a relaxing day off from work. However, their plans take a turn when Lucy won't stop talking about how she never lies and how her honesty is one of her best qualities.

Ricky sees this as an opportunity to teach Lucy a lesson, so he devises a plan to see if she'll stick to her claim of always telling the truth. Ricky comes up with a game where he'll ask Lucy a series of questions, and if she answers them honestly, he'll give her a prize. If she doesn't tell the truth, Ricky gets to throw a pie in her face. Lucy is game and eager to prove her honesty, so the game begins.

The questions start off small and inconsequential. Ricky asks Lucy if she's ever hidden candy from him, and Lucy admits to doing so. Then, Ricky asks if Lucy's ever lied about how much money she's spent, and to nobody's surprise, Lucy's answer is yes. However, as the questions keep coming, they become more serious. Ricky asks Lucy if she's ever told a lie that could ruin someone's life, and Lucy's answer takes both her and Ethel by surprise.

As the game continues, Lucy's answers become more and more honest, and she soon realizes the gravity of her past lies. She begins to feel guilt and shame, especially over a particular lie that could ruin the life of a close friend. Lucy tries to come clean to Ricky, but he doesn't believe her, thinking that she's only trying to avoid getting hit with a pie.

Lucy's conscience is now weighing heavily on her, and she decides that she must tell the truth to the person her lie has affected. This sets up a hilarious and chaotic scene, where Lucy tries to make amends with her friend, but things don't go quite as planned. Meanwhile, Ricky is left to deal with a series of consequences that he never could have anticipated.

The episode concludes with Lucy learning a valuable lesson about honesty and the importance of telling the truth, no matter the consequences. While the humorous moments and zany antics are what make I Love Lucy such a beloved classic, it's episodes like "Lucy Tells the Truth" that showcase the show's emotional and moral depth.

Overall, "Lucy Tells the Truth" is a wonderful example of the timeless humor and heart that made I Love Lucy one of the most iconic television shows of all time. The episode's themes of honesty, guilt, and redemption resonate just as much today as they did over sixty years ago, making it a must-watch for fans of classic television.

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  • First Aired
    November 9, 1953
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    25 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.8  (403)