Iljimae Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1

Ep 7. Iljimae 7

  • October 29, 2009

Iljimae season 1 episode 7, also known as "Iljimae 7," continues the gripping story of a mysterious hero who seeks justice for his family and the people of Joseon. In this episode, Iljimae returns to the palace as Yong's friend to investigate a rumor regarding a royal secret. He manages to enter the prince's quarters, where he overhears a conversation about a secret document. However, Iljimae's cover is blown when he tries to escape, and he is forced to flee the palace and leave behind his friends, Eun Chae and Shi Wan.

Meanwhile, Da Ri tries to find a way to help Iljimae but ends up getting caught by the police. She is taken to Officer Byun's house but manages to escape thanks to Yong's timely arrival. After a brief altercation, Yong and Da Ri head to a secret location where they meet up with Iljimae and devise a plan to retrieve the secret document that could reveal corrupt practices within the palace.

As they sneak into the palace, Iljimae reveals his true identity to Eun Chae, who is shocked to discover that her childhood friend is the mysterious hero known as Iljimae. However, their reunion is short-lived as they are soon caught by the palace guards. Iljimae manages to escape, but it is unclear what will happen to Eun Chae and the others.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as they eagerly anticipate the next episode. With its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and stunning cinematography, Iljimae season 1 episode 7 is a must-watch for fans of historical dramas and action-packed thrillers.

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  • First Aired
    October 29, 2009
  • Language