IMPACT Wrestling Season 2019 Episode 1
IMPACT Wrestling
Season 2019

Ep 1. January 3, 2019

  • TVPG
  • January 3, 2019

The January 3, 2019 episode of IMPACT Wrestling marks the beginning of a new season for the popular professional wrestling program. As fans tune in to see their favorite wrestlers compete, they may also be looking forward to seeing how the new year shapes up for the world of wrestling as a whole.

Among the exciting matchups featured in this episode is a bout between Johnny Impact and Killer Kross. While Johnny is known for his high-flying acrobatics and quick moves in the ring, Killer Kross is a powerful opponent who uses his size and strength to his advantage. It remains to be seen who will come out on top in this match, but audiences are sure to be on the edge of their seats as they watch these two talented wrestlers go head-to-head.

Another matchup fans won't want to miss is the tag team bout between LAX and the team of Ethan Page and Matt Sydal. LAX are a well-established tag team known for their incredible synergy and teamwork, while Page and Sydal will be looking to prove themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the world of wrestling. With high stakes and plenty of action, this is one match audiences won't want to miss.

Other exciting matchups in this episode include a women's match featuring Jordynne Grace and Katarina, as well as a singles match between Moose and Eddie Edwards. As always, the wrestlers are sure to put on a great show for audiences, combining athleticism, showmanship, and a healthy dose of drama to keep viewers engaged and entertained.

Beyond the matches themselves, the January 3, 2019 episode of IMPACT Wrestling is notable for its focus on storytelling and character development. As wrestlers work to establish their personas and further their storylines in the ring, viewers will be treated to a deeper understanding of what motivates these athletes and what drives them to succeed.

Overall, the January 3, 2019 episode of IMPACT Wrestling promises to be a thrilling start to the new season, with fast-paced action, intense drama, and plenty of surprises in store for viewers. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the world of wrestling, this episode is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

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  • First Aired
    January 3, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language