Intervention Season 13 Episode 12
Season 13

Ep 12. Jessica

  • December 30, 2014

Jessica is the protagonist of Intervention season 13 episode 12. Jessica is a 22-year-old girl who has been struggling with addiction for almost a decade. At the age of 14, Jessica started drinking, smoking marijuana, and eventually developed an addiction to heroin. She even resorted to prostitution to fuel her habit.

Jessica's addiction has caused a great strain on her family. She has stolen from them and has even started using drugs in front of them. Her mother fears that she may soon lose her daughter to her addiction. She has thus reached out to Intervention to help save her daughter from her self-destructive behavior.

The episode begins with Jessica's mother telling the Intervention team how her daughter's addiction has affected their family's life. She is concerned that her daughter doesn't see the severity of her addiction, and Jessica's behaviors have become increasingly dangerous. The family is frustrated and wants some relief from her actions.

The intervention team arrives at the family's home with the intention to stage an intervention for Jessica. Her family has written letters to her asking her to attend a family party, but when she arrives, her family begins the intervention. At first, she is resistant to attending rehab. She believes she can control her drug use and her problem isn't that severe.

The Intervention team tries to convince Jessica how serious her addiction is, and in a heartbreaking moment, her mother shares how she fears her daughter is going to overdose and that she may never see her again if she doesn't get help.

After some reluctance, Jessica agrees to go to rehab and receives an assessment with a treatment center. During the assessment, it becomes clear that she requires an intensive, long-term treatment plan to recover from her addiction.

The show highlights the struggles and challenges Jessica faces during her time in rehab. She endures withdrawal symptoms from drug use, attends counseling sessions to deal with her past trauma, and begins to take responsibility for her actions.

Jessica is eventually reunited with her mother, who is delighted to see her daughter in a much healthier and happier state. Together, they talk about the support she will continue to receive from her family and the importance of remaining sober.

In the end, the show emphasizes the importance of love and support for individuals who are attempting to recover from addiction. It shows how the Intervention team can provide hope for people like Jessica, who cannot break the cycle of addiction on their own. The team recognizes that addiction is an illness that affects not just the individual but also their loved ones, and the support of the people around them is crucial in achieving long-term recovery.

Overall, Intervention season 13 episode 12 "Jessica" is a powerful and poignant portrayal of addiction and recovery. It showcases the need for proper support, treatment, and understanding for individuals and their families who are dealing with addiction.

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  • First Aired
    December 30, 2014
  • Language