Intervention Season 15 Episode 15
Season 15

Ep 15. Jonel

  • TV-PG
  • July 24, 2016
  • 42 min
  • 7.7  (7)

Jonel, the subject of season 15, episode 15 of Intervention, is a 34-year-old woman who is struggling with heroin addiction. Jonel grew up in a middle-class family in New Jersey and had a normal childhood until her father left when she was 11. After her father's departure, Jonel turned to alcohol and drugs to cope with her feelings of abandonment.

Jonel's addiction intensified after she started using heroin at age 20. She has been in and out of treatment centers for years but has never been able to maintain sobriety for long. Jonel has lost custody of her son and has been in and out of jail multiple times for drug-related offenses. Her family is desperate for her to get help, but Jonel is resistant to treatment and believes that she can control her addiction on her own.

In this episode, Jonel's family, who have tried everything to help her, have reached a breaking point. They've hired a private investigator to find Jonel, who was homeless and living on the streets. The family stages an intervention in the hopes of convincing Jonel to seek the help she needs to overcome her addiction.

The intervention team includes Jeff VanVonderen, a well-known interventionist who has helped hundreds of people overcome addiction. Jeff meets with Jonel's family and learns about their struggles to help her over the years. The family shares their fears for Jonel's safety and worries about what will happen to her if she doesn't get help soon.

The intervention takes place in a hotel room, where Jonel is surprised to see her family and Jeff waiting for her. At first, she is defensive and resists the idea of going to treatment. But as her family members share their stories and express their love and concern for her, Jonel begins to open up about her struggles.

Jeff explains the treatment process to Jonel and helps her understand that she can't continue to control her addiction on her own. He also helps her see that she's not alone and that there are people who care about her and want to help her overcome her addiction.

After the intervention, Jonel agrees to go to treatment and is escorted to a detox facility. The show follows her journey through treatment and shows the ups and downs of her recovery process. We see Jonel come to terms with her addiction and the pain it's caused her family and herself. We also see her start to rebuild relationships with her family and work on the underlying issues that led to her addiction in the first place.

Overall, season 15, episode 15 of Intervention tells an emotional story of a woman's battle with addiction and the love and support of her family. It shows the importance of intervention and treatment in helping people overcome addiction and start a new life in recovery.

Watch Intervention - Jonel (s15 e15) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Intervention, Season 15 Episode 15, is available to watch free on A&E and stream on A&E. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Intervention on demand at Amazon, Vudu, Sling, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    July 24, 2016
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    42 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (7)