JAG Season 5 Episode 4
Season 5

Ep 4. The Return

  • October 12, 1999
  • 7.0  (132)

The episode "The Return" is the fourth episode of the fifth season of the military legal drama JAG. The show follows the exploits of the Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG) as they handle legal cases involving members of the US Navy and Marine Corps.

In this episode, the JAG team is tasked with investigating the death of a Marine who died during a training exercise. The exercise took place on a navy ship, and the Marine's death is initially thought to be accidental. However, as the JAG team looks into the matter further, they begin to suspect that foul play may have been involved.

Complicating matters further is the fact that the Marine's sister is also serving in the Navy, and is stationed on the same ship where her brother died. As the investigation progresses, tensions rise among the crew and the JAG team, as everyone tries to uncover the truth about what happened and who is responsible.

As the investigation takes unexpected twists and turns, it becomes clear that there are many people who have something to hide. The JAG team must navigate the murky waters of military politics and interpersonal relationships to get to the bottom of the case.

Throughout the episode, there are also several subplots that explore the personal lives of the JAG team members. We see Commander Rabb dealing with the aftermath of a previous case where he killed a man in self-defense, and grappling with his own feelings of guilt and remorse.

Captain Bud Roberts finds himself in a difficult situation when he discovers that one of his fellow sailors is using drugs. He must decide whether to report the sailor and potentially ruin his career, or try to help him get clean.

Overall, "The Return" is a tense and thrilling episode of JAG that explores the complexity of military justice and the difficult decisions that JAG attorneys must make on a daily basis. With strong performances from the entire cast and a gripping storyline, it is a must-watch for fans of military dramas.

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  • First Aired
    October 12, 1999
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (132)