Judge Judy Season 24 Episode 24
Judge Judy
Season 24

Ep 24. Pretend She's the Ford Motor Company!; Two Roommates for the Price of One?!

  • TVPG
  • May 7, 2020

In this episode of Judge Judy, titled "Pretend She's the Ford Motor Company!; Two Roommates for the Price of One?!" two cases are presented to Judge Judy.

The first case involves a plaintiff who claims that she was sold a defective vehicle by a used car dealer who refused to fix it. The defendant, the car dealer, argues that he offered to fix the car but the plaintiff never brought it back for repairs. Judge Judy listens to both sides of the argument and eventually comes to a ruling.

In the second case, two roommates are at odds over who is responsible for paying rent on their apartment. The plaintiff claims that she has been paying rent by herself for several months because the defendant refuses to contribute. The defendant disputes this and insists that she has been paying her share. Judge Judy reviews evidence presented by both parties and delivers a verdict.

As always, Judge Judy maintains control of her courtroom and demands respect from all parties involved. She asks pointed questions to get to the truth of the matter and doesn't tolerate any nonsense. Her experience and no-nonsense attitude make her a formidable presence in the courtroom.

Viewers of this episode will witness two very different cases and see Judge Judy in action as she dispenses justice. Anyone interested in legal drama or real-life conflict resolution will find this episode riveting.

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  • First Aired
    May 7, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Language