Judge Judy Season 25 Episode 43
Judge Judy
Season 25

Ep 43. Teen Pitches Fit over A/C?!; Just Don't Do It!

  • December 2, 2020

Judge Judy season 25 episode 43 is titled "Teen Pitches Fit over A/C?!; Just Don't Do It!" and features two separate cases being presented in front of Judge Judy.

In the first case, a teenage defendant is being sued by her landlord for causing damage to an air conditioning unit. The plaintiff claims that the defendant overworked the A/C, causing it to break, and refuses to pay for the damages. The defendant argues that she was only trying to cool down her apartment and that she shouldn't be held responsible for the A/C's malfunction. Judge Judy listens to both sides and works to determine who is ultimately responsible for the damages. This case offers a lesson in taking responsibility for your actions and treating rental properties with care.

In the second case, a plaintiff is seeking compensation from a defendant who backed out of a fitness contract. The plaintiff claims that they signed a contract with the defendant to receive personal training services for a set amount of time and provided a down payment. However, the defendant later decided to cancel the contract due to personal reasons and refuses to return the plaintiff's down payment. The plaintiff argues that they are entitled to a refund since the defendant didn't fulfill their end of the agreement. Judge Judy investigates the terms of the contract and determines whether or not the defendant is legally obligated to return the plaintiff's money. This case highlights the importance of upholding legal agreements and treating customers fairly.

Overall, Judge Judy season 25 episode 43 provides a valuable lesson in responsibility and fairness through two distinct cases. Whether you're a tenant or a business owner, these stories serve as a reminder to always treat others and property with respect and care.

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  • First Aired
    December 2, 2020
  • Language