Maude Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2

Ep 3. Walter's Holiday

  • September 20, 1973
  • 5.9  (65)

In the second season of the classic 70s sitcom Maude, the third episode entitled "Walter's Holiday" sees Maude's husband Walter (played by Bill Macy) on vacation from work. This makes him excited about finally spending some quality time with his wife and catching up on some much-needed relaxation.

However, Maude (played by legendary actress Bea Arthur) has other ideas. She has planned a busy week full of activities for herself and her friends, leaving Walter feeling left out and frustrated. To make matters worse, one of Maude's friends sets her sight on Walter and begins to flirt with him, leading to a jealous Maude confronting her.

As Walter's holiday goes from bad to worse, he decides to take matters into his own hands and find a way to enjoy his time off. Meanwhile, Maude and her friends continue with their busy schedule, unaware of the turmoil that Walter is experiencing.

The episode is full of the classic humor and witty banter that made Maude such a beloved show during its run. Despite the tensions between Maude and Walter, their enduring love for each other is at the heart of the episode, with both characters struggling to find common ground.

Throughout the episode, the show tackles some relevant themes, such as the idea of a working husband and his relationship with his stay-at-home wife. It also explores the dynamics of jealousy and the impact it can have on a relationship.

Overall, "Walter's Holiday" is a fun and engaging episode of Maude. The talented cast, witty writing, and relatable themes make it a timeless classic that still resonates with audiences today.

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  • First Aired
    September 20, 1973
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.9  (65)