Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 9 Episode 6

Ep 6. The Space Children

  • June 13, 1998
  • 3.0  (193)

In season 9, episode 6 of Mystery Science Theater 3000, the hosts Joel and the bots are back with their signature style of sarcastic commentary on bad movies. In this episode, they take on the 1958 sci-fi film, The Space Children.

The Space Children follows the story of a group of children who discover a strange device on the beach that gives them telekinetic powers. As they use their newfound powers, they become connected to an alien force that has plans to take over the world.

The hosts of Mystery Science Theater 3000 have a field day with the cheesy special effects and hokey dialogue of the film. They mock the overly dramatic acting and ridiculous plot points with their quick wit and playful banter.

As always, the episode is filled with hilarious skits and musical numbers that tie in with the movie. The crew even takes a break from the movie to perform a musical number about the dangers of nuclear energy.

In addition to the laughs, the episode also includes some thought-provoking commentary on the themes of the film. The Space Children touches on topics such as the dangers of nuclear weapons and the corrupting influence of power. The hosts provide insightful comments on these issues while still managing to keep the audience laughing.

Overall, fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 won't want to miss this episode. With its blend of humor and social commentary, it's a perfect example of what makes the show a cult favorite.

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  • First Aired
    June 13, 1998
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    3.0  (193)