Needless Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1

Ep 4. Iron Mountain

  • TV-14
  • July 23, 2009
  • 25 min

In episode 4, titled "Iron Mountain," the main characters of the show -- Adam Blade, Cruz Schild, and Eve Neuschwanstein -- join forces with the Resistance to take on Simeon Tower. Simeon Tower is the massive corporate entity that rules over the city of Simeon, and it's no secret that they're up to no good.

The episode starts with the group traveling to Iron Mountain, a location that's supposedly crucial in their mission to take down Simeon Tower. Along the way, they encounter several obstacles, including a group of enemy soldiers who are hot on their trail. Despite the danger, the heroes use their unique abilities to push forward and succeed in reaching their destination.

Once they arrive at Iron Mountain, the group realizes that the situation is more complicated than they thought. The mountain is home to a top-secret research facility where Simeon Tower conducts experiments on humans in an effort to create super-soldiers. The heroes must navigate their way through the facility, avoid traps, and battle heavily armed guards to reach the heart of the complex.

Throughout the episode, we get to learn more about the backgrounds of the main characters. We see Adam's impressive fighting skills and his unwavering determination to take down Simeon Tower. We also learn more about the tragic pasts of Cruz and Eve, which have left them scarred and motivated to fight for justice.

The episode is action-packed and the fights are intense. The animation style is fast-paced and exaggerated, with plenty of flashy moves and explosions. There are also moments of levity, particularly when the characters banter and tease each other during moments of downtime.

The story takes some interesting twists and turns, with the heroes encountering unexpected allies and facing new challenges. There are also hints of a larger conspiracy at play, with Simeon Tower's plans proving to be more sinister than just creating super-soldiers.

Overall, "Iron Mountain" is a thrilling episode that showcases the strengths of the main characters and sets up some intriguing plot threads for future episodes. Fans of the show will love the non-stop action and the interesting worldbuilding, while newcomers will find plenty to enjoy as well.

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  • First Aired
    July 23, 2009
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    25 min
  • Language