Watch Princess Resurrection
- 2009
- 1 Season
6.5 (175)
Princess Resurrection is a thrilling anime series that aired from 2007 to 2008. The show follows the story of a boy named Hiro Hiyorimi, who moves to a new town to live with his sister but ends up dying in a freak accident. However, his fate takes a strange turn when he is resurrected by a mysterious girl named Hime, who is actually the princess of a monster kingdom.
Hime is on a mission to take back her throne from her siblings who are trying to take over the kingdom. She is accompanied by her loyal entourage, which includes a butler named Flandre, a half-werewolf/half-human named Liza, and a robot maid named Sherwood. Together, they go on various adventures, fighting against different monsters and trying to keep Hime safe.
Throughout the series, Hime and her team encounter a variety of supernatural creatures, from vampires and zombies to giant squids and aliens. They also cross paths with other members of Hime's family, all of whom have different agendas and powers. Hime's brother Reiri, for instance, has the ability to control insects, while her sister Riza can transform into a mermaid.
One of the most interesting aspects of the show is the way it balances humor with horror and action. While there are plenty of intense battles and gory scenes, there are also moments of levity and absurdity, such as when Hime and Hiro attend a monster wedding or when Flandre dresses up as a maid in order to infiltrate a human household.
Despite the fantastical nature of the show, there is also a strong undercurrent of emotion and character development. Hime, in particular, is a fascinating protagonist who is both fierce and vulnerable. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and her kingdom, but she also struggles with feelings of isolation and insecurity. Over the course of the series, she learns to rely on her team and to open up to Hiro, who becomes an important ally and confidante.
Hiro himself is also a compelling character, as he adjusts to his new life as a servant and protector to Hime. He is initially overwhelmed by the monsters and the chaos surrounding him, but he gradually learns to be brave and resourceful. He also develops feelings for Hime, although their relationship is complicated by her royal duties and her own emotional barriers.
The other members of Hime's team are also well-defined and interesting. Flandre is a sophisticated butler who is fiercely loyal to Hime, while Liza is a scrappy fighter who struggles with her own identity as a hybrid. Sherwood, meanwhile, is a robot who is constantly tinkering with her own programming and trying to understand human emotions.
The animation in Princess Resurrection is top-notch, with vivid and detailed designs for the monsters and settings. The fight scenes are intense and fast-paced, with lots of creative uses of Hime's signature weaponâa chainsaw sword. The voice acting is also excellent, with a strong cast that brings the characters to life.
Overall, Princess Resurrection is an exciting and engaging anime series that combines elements of horror, action, and comedy into a compelling package. With its unique premise and lovable characters, it is definitely worth checking out for anyone who is a fan of supernatural stories or adventure anime.
Princess Resurrection is a series that ran for 1 seasons (51 episodes) between January 1, 2009 and on The Anime Network