Space Ghost and Dino Boy Season 1 Episode 23

Ep 23. The Ant Warriors

  • October 29, 1966
  • 22 min
  • 8.6  (69)

Ugh faces a sinister stegosaurus and swings away on a vine. It breaks, dropping him unconscious to the ground amidst the hills of the miniature Ant People! They quickly tie him down with many vines and tiny stakes! Bronty fetches Dino Boy, who investigates. He arrives as a giant sloth menaces the ant people and their prisoner Ugh; they flee and leave Ugh to his fate! Dino Boy cuts Ugh loose, and the friends, along with the ant warriors, drive off the terrible creature.

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  • First Aired
    October 29, 1966
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.6  (69)