Watch Stars Align
- 2019
- 1 Season
7.3 (648)
Stars Align is a sports anime series that centers around the middle school boys' soft tennis club of Kanagawa Junior High School. The show follows the story of Maki Katsuragi, a talented but troubled boy who is reluctantly recruited into the team by the club captain, Toma Shinjo. Maki has a difficult family background, and he struggles with his emotions as a result. However, his natural talent for the sport could take the team to the top, and that's something that Toma recognizes.
The show is a coming-of-age story that explores the themes of friendship, family, and self-discovery. The characters are well-crafted, and they each have their unique personalities and struggles. Toma, the captain of the soft tennis club, is an optimistic and determined boy who believes in the potential of his team. He is always looking for ways to improve himself and his team, even if it means challenging their competitors to a match. Maki, on the other hand, is a reserved and introverted boy who keeps to himself. He struggles with his relationship with his mother and his father, who is absent most of the time. The two boys are likable but different, and their personalities clash at times.
The show also introduces other characters that are part of the soft tennis club, including Rintaro Futsu, a charismatic boy who excels at the sport but lacks communication skills, and Yuta Asuka, a shy and hardworking boy who is always eager to help his teammates. The team dynamics are well-conceived, and they offer a satisfying and realistic portrayal of middle school boys.
Stars Align is not just another sports anime; it covers some heavy and thought-provoking topics such as domestic violence, child abuse, and gender identity. The show portrays the struggles of Maki's mother, who is a victim of domestic violence, and how it affects Maki's self-image and mental health. It also depicts the life of Toma's younger sister, who is exploring her gender identity, and how it affects her relationship with her family and friends. The show is a poignant and sensitive depiction of these challenging issues, and it doesn't shy away from portraying the harsh realities of life.
The animation quality of Stars Align is impressive, with minute details of the characters' expressions and movements meticulously crafted. The art and character design are well-done, and the use of bright colors creates a lively and engaging atmosphere that immerses the viewer in the show. The sound design is also excellent, with the opening and ending themes exceptionally catchy and fitting for the show's tone.
Overall, Stars Align is a must-watch for fans of sports anime, or anyone who enjoys a coming-of-age story that deals with serious themes. The characters are likable, and the plot is engaging, making it an enjoyable and rewarding viewing experience. The show will tug at your heartstrings, and leave you feeling satisfied and fulfilled.
Stars Align is a series that ran for 1 seasons (12 episodes) between October 10, 2019 and on TBS