Summer X Games

Watch Summer X Games

  • 2002
  • 11 Seasons

Summer X Games is a high-energy, adrenaline-pumping competition that takes place annually and showcases the world's top extreme athletes pushing themselves to the limit. Produced by ESPN, Summer X Games is a multi-day event that typically takes place in late July or early August and attracts thousands of fans from around the world.

The event is designed to highlight extreme sports, including skateboarding, BMX biking, and motocross. It takes place over the course of several days, with athletes competing in a wide range of events. Each event is designed to push the limits of what these athletes are capable of, and to showcase their incredible skills to an audience of fans that are hungry for excitement.

One of the most popular events in Summer X Games is Skateboarding, which includes a variety of competitions such as Street, Vert, and Big Air. Street skateboarding involves athletes performing tricks on a course made up of stairs, rails, and other obstacles. Vert skateboarding takes place in a halfpipe, where the athletes launch themselves into the air to perform aerial tricks.

Another popular sport is BMX biking, which features a variety of competitions such as Street, Vert, and Dirt. Street BMX takes place on a course similar to that of street skateboarding, while Vert BMX takes place in a halfpipe. Dirt BMX involves athletes performing tricks on a course made up of dirt jumps.

Motocross is another popular sport that is featured in Summer X Games. This high-flying, high-speed competition involves athletes racing dirt bikes over jumps and obstacles, competing for the fastest time.

Throughout the competition, athletes are judged on a variety of factors, such as difficulty, creativity, and execution of their tricks. Judges award points based on these factors, and the athlete with the highest point total at the end of the competition is declared the winner.

In addition to the competitions, Summer X Games also features a variety of special events and activities. These include live concerts, autograph signings, and interactive exhibit areas where fans can meet their favorite athletes and learn more about their sports.

Overall, Summer X Games is an exciting, action-packed event that showcases the very best in extreme sports. Whether you're a hardcore fan of skateboarding, BMX, or motocross, or simply looking for an exciting and entertaining way to spend a few days, Summer X Games is sure to deliver all of the excitement and high-flying action that you could ever hope for. So come on out and join the thousands of fans who make Summer X Games a can't-miss event!

Summer X Games
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Episode 5 (LIVE)
5. Episode 5 (LIVE)
July 16, 2017
The Summer X-Games is airing live today from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Episode 4 (LIVE)
4. Episode 4 (LIVE)
July 15, 2017
The Summer X-Games is airing live tonight from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Episode 3 (LIVE)
3. Episode 3 (LIVE)
July 15, 2017
The Summer X-Games is airing live today from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Men's BMX Dirt Qualifier, Men's Skate Big Air/Street (LIVE)
2. Men's BMX Dirt Qualifier, Men's Skate Big Air/Street (LIVE)
July 14, 2017
Men's BMX Dirt Qualifier, Men's Skate Big Air/Street is airing live tonight from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Men's BMX Vert Final (LIVE)
1. Men's BMX Vert Final (LIVE)
July 13, 2017
Men's BMX Vert Final is airing live tonight from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Premiere Date
    August 18, 2002