Sword Art Online II Season 2 Episode 21

Ep 21. E 21

  • November 29, 2014
  • 7.5  (385)

Kirito continues his search for Death Gun in the virtual world of Gun Gale Online. As he investigates the recent incidents of players' deaths, he encounters a mysterious figure known as Sinon. Sinon is a skilled sniper and one of the top players in Gun Gale Online. She is also haunted by a traumatic experience from her past, which makes her a worthwhile ally for Kirito.

In "E 21," Kirito and Sinon team up to participate in the Bullet of Bullets tournament, a high-stakes competition that attracts the best players from around the world. As they progress through the tournament, they come across a team of ruthless players who are willing to do whatever it takes to win. Kirito and Sinon must use their skills and wits to outsmart their opponents and make it to the final round.

Meanwhile, Asuna and the rest of Kirito's friends are worried about his safety and are doing everything they can to support him from the outside. They are also investigating the mysterious connections between the recent deaths and the virtual world of Gun Gale Online. Asuna must also deal with her own personal struggles, including her relationship with Kirito and her responsibilities as the leader of her guild.

As the tournament reaches its climax, Kirito and Sinon uncover a shocking truth about Death Gun and the real-world identity behind the virtual avatar. Their discovery could have serious consequences for the future of Gun Gale Online and the safety of its players.

Overall, "E 21" is an action-packed episode that brings together the key players in Sword Art Online II's narrative. It explores the themes of identity, trauma, and the dangers of virtual reality, while also delivering some satisfying action sequences and plot twists. Fans of the series will be eager to see how this episode sets up the season's finale.

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  • First Aired
    November 29, 2014
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (385)