The Andy Griffith Show Season 4 Episode 7

Ep 7. A Black Day for Mayberry

  • TV-NR
  • November 11, 1963
  • 24 min
  • 8.2  (334)

In The Andy Griffith Show season 4 episode 7, "A Black Day for Mayberry," the small town is turned upside down when a rash of robberies occurs. The townsfolk are shocked that such a thing could happen in their quaint little community, and they begin to feel uneasy. Sheriff Taylor (played by Andy Griffith) enlists the help of his deputy, Barney Fife (played by Don Knotts), to try and catch the criminals. However, the two find themselves at odds over the best approach to take. Barney insists on using his new-fangled fingerprinting techniques, but Andy is more old-fashioned in his methods.

As the days go by, the situation in Mayberry becomes more and more tense. The robberies continue, and the townspeople become increasingly worried. Even Aunt Bee (played by Frances Bavier), who is typically the calming influence in the town, seems rattled by the situation. Meanwhile, a traveling salesman named Malcolm Tucker (played by Richard Bull) arrives in town. He seems friendly enough, but something about him makes Andy and Barney suspicious.

As it turns out, their suspicions are well-founded. Malcolm Tucker is actually behind the robberies. He has been stealing from the people of Mayberry and hiding the loot in a cave outside of town. When Andy and Barney finally catch him, they are shocked to find out that he acted alone. Tucker seems genuinely sorry for what he has done, but Andy is determined to bring him to justice.

The episode is a classic example of the charm and warmth that made The Andy Griffith Show such a beloved television series. The small town setting, the tight-knit community, and the folksy humor all combine to create a show that is a true American treasure. "A Black Day for Mayberry" is a standout episode in the series, one that is sure to delight fans of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    November 11, 1963
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.2  (334)