The Last Man On Earth Season 3 Episode 4

Ep 4. Five Hoda Kotbs

  • TV14
  • October 23, 2016
  • 21 min
  • 7.2  (538)

The Last Man On Earth follows the adventures of Phil Miller, a man who finds himself as the last survivor of a deadly virus that wiped out humanity. After traveling across the country in search of other survivors, Phil finally finds a small group of people to share his life with, including his wife Carol, a woman named Melissa, and a man named Todd. In season 3, the group has moved into a new mansion, and they are struggling to adapt to their new surroundings.

Episode 4, titled "Five Hoda Kotbs," opens with the group gathered around the television, watching an episode of the Today show. The show features Hoda Kotb, a beloved news anchor who has returned to the airwaves after surviving the virus. The group is excited to see a familiar face on television, and they start to wonder what other celebrities might have survived.

As they discuss their favorite celebrities, Carol suggests that they should try to contact them and invite them to join their group. The others are skeptical, but Carol is convinced that they can make it work. She convinces Phil to help her send out a message to all of the celebrities they can think of, inviting them to come to their mansion and join their community.

The rest of the episode follows the group as they prepare for the arrival of their celebrity guests. They clean the mansion from top to bottom, set up a stage for the arrivals, and put out snacks and drinks to welcome the new arrivals. They also practice their introductions, trying to make sure that they make a good impression on their guests.

As the day wears on, the group grows increasingly anxious. They start to worry that no one will show up, or that the celebrities they invited will be disappointed with their living conditions. They start to second-guess themselves, wondering if they should have even bothered to send out the invitations in the first place.

Despite their doubts, the group manages to keep their spirits up. They joke around, play games, and tell stories to pass the time. As the sun begins to set, they start to lose hope that anyone will show up.

Just as they are about to give up, they hear a knock at the door. They rush to open it, and they are stunned to see five of the most famous women in the world standing on their doorstep. Hoda Kotb, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Beyonce Knowles, and Hillary Clinton have all responded to their invitation, and they are eager to see what the Last Man on Earth has to offer.

The rest of the episode follows the group as they try to make their guests feel at home. They give them a tour of the mansion, show them their various projects and activities, and try to get to know them on a personal level. Despite a few awkward moments, the group manages to keep their composure and impress their guests with their ingenuity and resourcefulness.

As the night comes to a close, the group sits around the campfire and reflects on how far they have come. They realize that they no longer feel alone in the world, and that they have created a community that they can be proud of. They also feel hopeful that they might be able to start rebuilding society, now that they have so many talented and influential people on their side.

Overall, "Five Hoda Kotbs" is a heartwarming episode of The Last Man on Earth that showcases the resilience and creativity of its characters. It also adds a new layer of humor and whimsy to the show, as the group interacts with some of the most famous people in the world. Fans of the show will love seeing their favorite characters step up to the challenge of hosting such an illustrious group of guests, and they will enjoy the surprising twists and turns that come with the territory.

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The Last Man On Earth, Season 3 Episode 4, is available to watch and stream on FOX. You can also buy, rent The Last Man On Earth on demand at Amazon, Hulu, Vudu, Microsoft Movies & TV, Google Play, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    October 23, 2016
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.2  (538)