The World According to Jeff Goldblum Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. Denim

  • November 29, 2019
  • 7.1  (219)

The episode titled "Denim" takes viewers on a journey through the history and cultural significance of one of the world's most beloved fabrics. From the cowboys of the Wild West to the high fashion runways of today, denim has become an iconic symbol of American style and rebellion.

Jeff Goldblum begins his exploration at the Levi's flagship store in San Francisco, where he learns about the brand's storied past and its impact on denim culture. Goldblum chats with employees and customers to get a sense of why denim has remained so popular through the decades.

Next, Goldblum heads down the coast to Los Angeles to meet with designer Henry Duarte, who specializes in creating custom denim pieces for celebrities like Madonna and Mick Jagger. Duarte takes Goldblum through his studio, showing off the various tools and techniques that go into creating a truly unique denim garment. Along the way, Goldblum gets a lesson in how to properly distress denim to give it an authentically vintage look.

The episode also includes a visit to a denim factory in El Paso, Texas, where Goldblum witnesses the production process from start to finish, marveling at the precision and speed with which the workers operate. From the dying of the fabric to the stitching of the seams, every step is carefully executed to create a product that is both durable and fashionable.

In addition to exploring the history and production of denim, Goldblum delves into the cultural significance of the fabric, interviewing experts and enthusiasts who share their thoughts on what makes denim so special. Whether it's Levi Strauss himself or cultural icons like James Dean and Bruce Springsteen, denim has always been associated with a certain rebellious spirit and individuality.

Finally, the episode ends with Goldblum attending the Denim Days festival in New York City, which celebrates all things denim. There, he meets with designers, models, and denim enthusiasts who showcase the latest trends and innovations in denim fashion.

Overall, "Denim" is an entertaining and informative look at one of the most ubiquitous fabrics in the world. Through his usual blend of curiosity and humor, Jeff Goldblum takes viewers on a journey that is both fun and enlightening, revealing the many layers of meaning behind the popular clothing item that we all know and love.

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  • First Aired
    November 29, 2019
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.1  (219)