Three's Company Season 2 Episode 2
Three's Company
Season 2

Ep 2. Jack Looks For a Job

  • September 20, 1977
  • 8.1  (234)

Jack Tripper finds himself in a difficult position when he is forced to look for a job in order to pay for his share of the rent. He has been living with his roommates, Janet and Chrissy, for some time now and has been relying on their kindness and generosity to get by. However, he realizes that it's time for him to be a responsible adult and contribute to the household.

The episode begins with Jack waking up to the sound of an alarm clock. He looks at the time and realizes that he's late for a job interview. He quickly gets dressed and rushes out the door. Janet and Chrissy are still asleep, so he tries to be quiet as he leaves.

At the job interview, Jack is nervous and unsure of himself. He's never had a real job before and doesn't know what to expect. The interviewer grills him with questions and asks about his previous work experience. Jack tries to be honest, but he can tell that the interviewer is skeptical.

Back at the apartment, Janet and Chrissy wake up and realize that Jack is gone. They wonder where he could be and decide to go look for him. They find him at a nearby diner, where he's drowning his sorrows in a cup of coffee. He tells them about the job interview and how it didn't go well. Janet and Chrissy offer him words of encouragement and tell him not to give up.

Later on, Jack goes back to the job agency and meets with a different interviewer. This time, he's more confident and prepared. He answers the questions with ease and impresses the interviewer with his enthusiasm and willingness to learn. He's offered a job as a dishwasher at a local restaurant and he accepts it without hesitation.

Back at the apartment, Jack tells Janet and Chrissy the good news. They're thrilled for him and celebrate with a round of drinks. Jack is proud of himself for taking the initiative and finding a job. He tells his roommates that he's ready to be a responsible adult and contribute to the household. They're proud of him and tell him that they always knew he had it in him.

As the episode comes to a close, the trio sit in the living room and talk about their plans for the future. They realize that they're all growing up and that they have to start making important decisions about their lives. Jack's new job is just the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, and they're excited to see what the future holds.

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  • First Aired
    September 20, 1977
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.1  (234)