Allegra's Window Season 2 Episode 208
Allegra's Window
Season 2

Ep 208. Kids That Go Bump in the Night

  • September 11, 1995
  • 24 min

Allegra's Window is a beloved children's television series that captivates young viewers with its heartwarming stories and whimsical characters. In season 2, episode 208, titled "Kids That Go Bump in the Night," Allegra and her friends embark on a thrilling adventure filled with mysterious noises and spooky encounters.

The episode starts off on a beautiful autumn day in the vibrant neighborhood of Allegra's Window. As the leaves gently fall from the trees, Allegra, Lindi, and Rondo are busy playing outside, enjoying the crisp air and the colorful scenery. However, their peaceful playtime is interrupted by a strange and eerie sound coming from an old, abandoned house nearby.

Intrigued by the noise, Allegra and her friends decide to investigate the source of the mysterious sound. With hearts filled with excitement and a touch of fear, they cautiously make their way towards the haunted house. Along the way, they meet Riff, their inquisitive and spunky squirrel friend, who joins them on their adventure.

As they approach the spooky house, they notice that other neighborhood kids have gathered, similarly curious about the spooky noises. The kids all share stories they've heard about the house being haunted by something or someone. Some claim to have seen shadows lurking behind the cracked windows, while others swear they've heard voices in the dead of night.

Undeterred by the eerie tales, Allegra and her friends bravely enter the haunted house, determined to uncover the truth. Inside, they discover a world of cobwebs, creaking doors, and flickering lights that make the atmosphere all the more chilling. As they tiptoe through the dimly lit corridors, they begin to realize that something supernatural may indeed be at play.

As they explore further, they stumble upon a hidden room filled with old toys, dusty books, and forgotten memories. While examining the relics, the children come across an ancient book of spells. With curiosity getting the better of them, they cautiously open the book and inadvertently cast a spell that brings the toys to life!

Suddenly, the once-spooky house is transformed into a lively playground as the toys dance, sing, and laugh. Allegra, Lindi, Rondo, and Riff are enchanted by the magical experience, realizing that their initial fear was unfounded. The toys, once thought to be scary, are now their playful companions.

Through their playful interactions with the animated toys, the children learn valuable lessons about facing their fears and not judging others based on appearances alone. They discover that sometimes the things we find most frightening can turn out to be the most surprising and enjoyable experiences.

As the episode draws to a close, Allegra and her friends bid farewell to the animated toys, grateful for the unforgettable adventure they shared. They leave the haunted house with newfound bravery and confidence, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way.

In "Kids That Go Bump in the Night," Allegra's Window beautifully blends the thrill of mystery and the warmth of friendship. This enchanting episode teaches children about the power of courage, the importance of empathy, and the joy of embracing the unknown. With each episode, Allegra and her friends continue to inspire and entertain young viewers, encouraging them to explore their own world with curiosity and imagination.

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  • First Aired
    September 11, 1995
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language