Ancient Aliens Season 6 Episode 4
Ancient Aliens
Season 6

Ep 4. Magic of the Gods

  • TVPG
  • October 21, 2013
  • 44 min
  • 6.5  (120)

In season 6, episode 4 of Ancient Aliens titled "Magic of the Gods," the experts explore the possibility that ancient civilizations had access to advanced technologies and knowledge provided by extraterrestrial beings. The episode delves into various theories and artifacts that suggest ancient people were in contact with advanced beings or gods who possessed magical powers.

The episode starts with a visit to the Temple of Hathor in Dendera, Egypt, where the ceiling depicts strange images that resemble modern light bulbs. According to the experts, this depiction indicates that the ancient Egyptians had access to electricity or light sources that were beyond their technology. They suggest that the images depict an advanced technology possessed by extraterrestrial beings or gods that the Egyptians interacted with.

Next, the show examines the legends of the gods and demigods in various mythologies, such as the Greek god Zeus and the Norse god Odin. The experts suggest that these beings were actually extraterrestrial visitors who possessed advanced technology and knowledge. They argue that these beings were responsible for shaping human civilization and providing humans with various technologies and advancements.

The episode also explores the ancient practice of alchemy, which was believed to be a way of transmuting base metals into gold. The experts suggest that alchemy might have been a way for ancient people to harness an extraterrestrial technology that allowed them to manipulate matter and energy. They point out that some ancient texts describe the transmutation of elements in a way that is consistent with modern nuclear physics.

Furthermore, the episode examines various ancient artifacts that suggest the existence of advanced technology. One such artifact is the Antikythera mechanism, a complex gear mechanism from ancient Greece that was used to calculate astronomical positions. The experts suggest that the mechanism was too advanced for its time and could only have been created with the help of extraterrestrial technology or knowledge.

The episode also looks at the mysterious crystal skulls that have been found in various parts of the world. The experts suggest that these skulls might be connected to extraterrestrial beings and possess magical powers. They point out that many ancient cultures believed in the power of crystals and used them for healing and spiritual purposes.

Lastly, the episode explores the legend of the lost city of Atlantis, which was said to possess advanced technology and knowledge. The experts suggest that Atlantis might have been a real place that was destroyed by a catastrophic event such as a comet impact. They argue that the Atlanteans might have been in contact with extraterrestrial beings who provided them with advanced technology and knowledge.

In conclusion, "Magic of the Gods" is an intriguing episode that explores the possibility that ancient civilizations had access to advanced technology and knowledge provided by extraterrestrial beings. The experts examine various theories and artifacts that suggest a connection between ancient people and extraterrestrial beings who possessed magical powers. The episode raises many questions and leaves the viewer with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the mysteries of the ancient world.

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  • First Aired
    October 21, 2013
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    44 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.5  (120)