Are You There, Chelsea? Season 1 Episode 5

Ep 5. The Gynecologist

  • February 8, 2012
  • 6.0  (92)

Are You There, Chelsea? season 1 episode 5, titled "The Gynecologist," follows the main character, Chelsea, as she decides to visit a gynecologist for the first time. However, her fear and anxiety about the appointment cause her to make a series of questionable decisions leading up to the visit, including seeking advice from her co-workers at the bar where she works.

Meanwhile, Chelsea's best friend, Olivia, struggles with her own relationship problems as she continues to date a man who is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. As they navigate their separate issues, the two friends come together to support each other and face their fears.

Throughout the episode, Chelsea's humor and wit shine, even in the most uncomfortable situations. Viewers will relate to her anxiety about visiting the doctor, as well as the struggles Olivia faces in her relationship. The episode offers a mix of laughter and heartfelt moments as the characters support each other through their individual challenges.

Overall, "The Gynecologist" is a relatable and entertaining episode of Are You There, Chelsea? that highlights the importance of friendship and the power of laughter in navigating life's challenges.

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  • First Aired
    February 8, 2012
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.0  (92)