Big Block SingSong Season 1 Episode 5

Ep 5. Happy

  • TV-G
  • November 7, 2012
  • 12 min

Big Block SingSong is a show that combines animated blocks with catchy songs. Each episode focuses on a different topic, with the blocks singing and dancing their way through various situations. The show is aimed at young children, but can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Season 1 Episode 5 is titled "Happy". The episode is all about feeling happy and the different things that can make us feel that way. The blocks sing about how happiness can come from lots of different places - from spending time with friends and family, to playing games or just enjoying a beautiful day outside.

The episode begins with a bright and cheerful song about the things that make us happy. The blocks sing and dance together, each one depicting a different activity or emotion that brings joy. Some of them are jumping up and down, others are smiling widely, and some are simply swaying back and forth to the music.

As the song continues, the blocks begin to explore specific things that make them happy. One block sings about the joy of spending time with family, while another sings about the pleasure of a good meal. Yet another block is happy because of the thrill of a rollercoaster ride, while another enjoys the serenity of a quiet moment alone.

As the blocks continue to sing, they realize that happiness can come from many different sources. Whether it's spending time with loved ones, enjoying the beauty of nature, or simply taking time for yourself, there are endless ways to feel happy.

Throughout the episode, the blocks showcase a variety of different emotions. Some are over the moon with happiness, while others are a bit more subdued. However, each one is ultimately grateful for the things that make them feel good.

As the episode draws to a close, the blocks come together for one final song about happiness. This time, the focus is on how we can share our happiness with others. The blocks sing about the joy of spreading happiness through kindness, and the satisfaction of bringing a smile to someone else's face.

Overall, "Happy" is a heartwarming episode that celebrates the simple pleasures in life. Through catchy songs and delightful animations, the blocks remind us that happiness is all around us - if we only take the time to look.

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  • First Aired
    November 7, 2012
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    12 min
  • Language