Watch BlackAdder
- 1983
- 4 Seasons
8.0 (41,498)
BlackAdder is a British sitcom that originally aired on BBC from 1982-1983. The show was created by Richard Curtis and Rowan Atkinson, who also starred in the series as the titular character, Edmund Blackadder. The series is set in various time periods throughout British history, with each season focusing on a different era. The first season, set in the late 15th century, follows Edmund Blackadder, the conniving servant to Prince Edmund, the Duke of Edinburgh, as he attempts to advance his status and escape his lowly position.
In the second season, set during Elizabethan England, Blackadder has become the butler to Lord Melchett, played by Stephen Fry, and engages in various schemes to gain power and wealth.
The third season, set in the late 18th century, sees Blackadder as a member of the aristocracy, attempting to navigate the political intrigue of the era and protect himself from the whims of the Prince Regent, played by Hugh Laurie.
The final season, set during World War I, follows Blackadder and his comrades in the trenches as they strive to survive the war and avoid the incompetent upper class officers who lead them.
In each era, Blackadder is accompanied by his dim-witted sidekick, Baldrick, played by Tony Robinson, as well as a cast of eccentric and often caricatured supporting characters.
The show is known for its sharp writing, irreverent humor, and satirical take on British history and society. It also features a diverse and talented cast, including a pre-House Hugh Laurie and future Academy Award winner, Miranda Richardson.
Blackadder has become a cult classic and remains popular with audiences and critics alike. Its influence can be seen in numerous subsequent British sitcoms, as well as in American shows such as Family Guy and South Park.
Overall, Blackadder is a witty, irreverent, and highly entertaining comedy series that pokes fun at history and British society in a way that is both intelligent and hilarious.
BlackAdder is a series that ran for 4 seasons (26 episodes) between June 15, 1983 and on BBC