Cagney & Lacey Season 3 Episode 5
Cagney & Lacey
Season 3

Ep 5. Baby Broker

  • TV-NR
  • April 30, 1984
  • 48 min
  • 6.2  (10)

Two of New York City's best female detectives, Chris Cagney and Mary Beth Lacey, are back to tackle another challenging case in season 3 episode 5 of Cagney & Lacey titled "Baby Broker."

The episode begins with the duo investigating a case that involves an infant. They soon learn that a woman named Annie Cooper, who had recently given birth to a baby, has disappeared. The detectives suspect that the baby may have been sold by a child broker, a person who arranges illegal adoptions.

As they continue their investigation, Chris and Mary Beth visit a local clinic where they discover that Annie had given birth to a mixed-race baby girl. The detectives question staff members at the clinic and gather information that leads them to a pediatrician who had seen Annie after she gave birth.

The pediatrician is uncooperative but eventually reveals that he had given Annie a referral to see a lawyer who specializes in adoptions. The detectives then track down the lawyer, who admits that he had arranged an adoption for the baby but claims that it was a legitimate transaction.

The detectives are skeptical of the lawyer's story and continue to dig deeper into the case. They eventually discover that the baby broker is actually the lawyer's assistant and that he had been preying on vulnerable women like Annie to make a profit.

As the investigation unfolds, Chris and Mary Beth struggle to come to terms with their own feelings surrounding the case. Mary Beth, a mother herself, is emotionally invested in the safety and well-being of the missing baby. Meanwhile, Chris is dealing with her own personal issues as she grapples with the fact that she can't have children of her own.

In the end, the detectives are able to find the baby and reunite her with her mother. The baby broker is arrested and charged with several crimes, and justice is served.

Overall, "Baby Broker" is a gripping episode that showcases the personal and professional struggles of the show's main characters. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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  • First Aired
    April 30, 1984
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    48 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.2  (10)