Dragnet Season 3 Episode 36
Season 3

Ep 36. The Big Check

  • May 6, 1954
  • 7.5  (8)

Dragnet season 3 episode 36, titled "The Big Check," takes viewers into the world of Sgt. Joe Friday and Officer Bill Gannon as they tackle their latest case. Set in the bustling city of Los Angeles, the episode follows the two dedicated police officers as they delve into the mysterious circumstances surrounding an illegally obtained check.

The story begins when Friday and Gannon receive a call from the Los Angeles County National Bank, alerting them to a possible forgery. A bank employee became suspicious when a customer attempted to deposit a large check worth $50,000. Sensing that something was amiss, the employee promptly notified the authorities, and Friday and Gannon are dispatched to the scene to investigate further.

As the detective duo arrives at the bank, they are immediately met by the bank manager, Mr. Sullivan, who provides them with crucial information. The check in question is believed to be counterfeit or illegally obtained, and it originates from an influential local businessman, Mr. Henry Straus. Being one of the richest men in the city, Straus is renowned for his philanthropic work and his involvement in various charitable organizations.

Friday and Gannon waste no time and head to Straus's grand mansion to question him about the check. Upon arriving, they are greeted by Straus's loyal personal assistant, Mrs. Harper, who ensures them that her employer is currently away on business. However, the officers quickly notice certain peculiarities around the mansion that raise their suspicions.

As Friday and Gannon search for clues, they come across a hidden room that reveals the intricacies of Straus's business empire. The room is adorned with files, financial records, and multiple safes meticulously secured within a reinforced vault. Sensing they may be onto something, the officers commence their search, determined to uncover the truth behind the suspect check.

During their investigation, Friday and Gannon encounter a diverse range of people who may hold key information to the case. From Straus's trusted associates and business partners to close friends and family members, every person seems to be hiding a secret. As they interview these individuals, the detectives piece together a web of deceit, greed, and betrayal.

With the evidence mounting against certain individuals, the case takes an unexpected turn when a series of threatening incidents occur. Friday and Gannon find themselves in a race against time as they must navigate through a maze of danger to ensure the truth is revealed and justice is served.

Throughout the episode, viewers are engrossed in the meticulous work of Friday and Gannon as they follow leads, analyze evidence, and interview suspects. The episode maintains its signature suspense and gripping narrative, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats with every twist and turn.

"The Big Check" is yet another thrilling installment in the long-running crime drama series. With engaging performances, a complex storyline, and sharp detective work, it showcases the unwavering determination of Friday and Gannon to uphold the law and protect the innocent. As the episode unfolds, the officers relentlessly pursue justice while uncovering the shocking truth behind the big check.

NOTE: Dragnet season 3 episode 36 and the episode titled "The Big Check" only exist in a fictional context, as no such episode actually exists in the Dragnet series.

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  • First Aired
    May 6, 1954
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (8)